The Protein Factory 2.0
Welcome to a world of new solutions

Bruce Beutler
Nobel Prize winner for Medicine
Conference "Immunology and innovative therapies: from tumors to infections"
June 2024

Martina Papa
PhD student
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
December 2021

Radka Jeziskova
Erasmus student
University of Chemistry and Technology
Prague, Czech Republic
Sectember-December 2019

Siba Khaled Moussa
PhD student
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
April-June 2019

Tommaso Nuzzo
PhD student
CEINGE - Biotecnologie Avanzate
Napoli, Italy
October-December 2015

Lisanne Luks
PhD Student
Universitat Konstanz
October 2015

Paola Laurino
Postdoctoral fellow
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel
September 2014- March 2015

Marta Squillace
PhD student
CEINGE - Biotecnologie Avanzate
Napoli, Italy
January-February 2015

Jennifer Cassidy
PhD student
School of Chemistry and
Chemical Biology
College of Life Sciences
Dublin, Ireland, July 2014

Simona Dossi
Undergraduated student
Edinburgh, UK
June-July 2014

Dale Edmonson
Visiting professor
Emory University
Atlanta, USA

Jaan Sam
Postdoctoral fellow
University of Illinois, USA

Sandro Ghisla
Visiting professor
Universitat Konstanz